The term "woke"has gained traction in the last couple of years. It's generally used to refer to a liberal activist, normally a younger individual, who has had some sort of revelation about the ills and faults of American society and now rails against the perceived institutional racism and sexism that supposedly rules the nation. They seek to silence or cancel those who disagree with them. Conservatives are cast as evil Neanderthals who refuse to change with the times, as the "woke" mob members actively try to displace reminders of our past, warts and all. (Quick, when was the last time you heard of anyone trying to remove a tribute to Martin Luther King, Jr., the way statues of Robert E. Lee are coming down?)
But all of a sudden, the tide has turned. There's a phenomenon that's sweeping the country that indicates that many, including the young people the liberal Democrats are counting on to preserve and enhance their policy legacy, aren't buying it anymore.
From college football games to other sporting events to concerts to spontaneous outbursts in public places, people are chanting "F--k Joe Biden." For all of the unpopularity at various times of Donald Trump, George W. Bush, and Barack Obama, nothing like this ever happened. "F Joe Biden" has been trending on Twitter for a couple of days, and the chant has even been documented at University of Kentucky football games.
Yes, the vulgarity is off-putting, and it's indicative of a societal decay that plagues both sides of the political coin these days, but it's surprisingly coming from places dominated by youth. While it would be more uplifting to hear the dissatisfaction with the president and his actions expressed in a less crude manner, the message is loud and clear. This is a pretty obvious manifestation of disapproval.
Are these young people, who represent the future of our nation and our culture, finally waking up to see just how poorly liberal ideas perform in the real world? Have they seen enough in the nine disastrous months of Biden's term to know he's screwing the country up? Do they not want to live under the "woke" culture Biden and his ilk promote?
This certainly doesn't bode well for the future of the leftist movement in the United States. If the young people who are most receptive to liberalism are getting a glimpse of the Democrats' future plan for the country and rebelling against it, it puts the 2022 midterm and 2024 presidential elections in a new light.
A lot can happen politically in a year. Just ask George H. W. Bush, whose re-election seemed to be a shoo-in in 1991 but whose fortunes reversed the following year against Bill Clinton. Some Democrats were predicting a decade or more of dominance after the 2020 election. They'd strengthen their hold on Congress next year, keep the presidency two years later, and banish the GOP to permanent minority status. That may now be in danger if the hordes of youth shouting their anger at Biden stay the course.
The profane three-word chant is crude and not really fit for polite society, but it gets the message across. Four-syllable chants have long been a staple of live events -- "Let's Go Wildcats, clap clap clapclapclap" -- and there may not be another way to phrase an anti-Biden cheer in such a succinct yet crystal-clear method. "Impeach Joe Biden" just doesn't quite have the same ring to it. But there's no mistaking the sentiment being expressed. People just aren't pleased with the 46th president of the United States and his decisions.
College campuses have long been regarded as one of the major bastions of American liberalism. If "woke" college kids are loudly and vocally rejecting "woke" liberal ideology, there may be hope for this country after all to return to the nation's traditional values and founding ideals.
Your sentiments are appreciated, but come on, kids. Clean up your language. Cursing is never necessary to make your point. Find another way to express your disapproval. The best way would be in an election anytime Biden or someone of like mind is on the ballot.