This blog has been inactive for awhile. There's been no real reason for the silence; it just happened. But there's been no shortage of news to discuss. On the local, state, and national level, things have been going on that warrant discussion. So, I'm reviving this blog.
One thing you'll notice that was absent from the previous incarnation of this endeavor is the presence of ads. I'm trying Google AdSense to try to earn some money from my punditry. And, as always, if any of my newspaper industry friends or acquaintances want to republish my commentary, please contact me to discuss terms. In the past, I provided this column to papers in my area free of charge, but I'm going to try the paid syndication route now to see if I have any success.
In the past, there was usually only one blog entry a week, after the column that I had submitted to the newspapers had been published. You'll probably see posts much more frequently now, as events warrant.
I tried to stick to state issues in previous posts, but you will probably see more local and national discussion as things move forward.
Please feel free to share posts on your personal social media accounts as you see fit. Commercial news outlets are expressly prohibited from sharing the content here unless they've set up a syndication agreement with me. Comments are encouraged; I may not respond to them all, but I'll read them. All I ask is that you keep your comments civil. Don't use foul language; don't engage in personal attacks on other commenters, subjects of the commentary here, or the author: and don't say anything that might be libelous. Run afoul of these guidelines, and your comment will be deleted.
Even if you don't agree with the viewpoints offered here, my hope is that they will enlighten you and encourage you to think. As you read these thoughts, keep in mind that they are offered by a person of faith, a person who believes in the power of the citizenry, and one who realizes that the government truly is of and by, and should be for, the people; one who thinks less government is better and people should be free to pursue their goals and dreams while guided by a generally accepted set of societal standards. I'm a conservative, not a libertarian, and certainly not a fiscal or social liberal. And while I may disagree with some conservative ideas or Republican officeholders on occasion, my political and social beliefs are staunchly conservative.